Cherie H. on February 15, 2010
Career Change
I'm really interested in becoming a paid activisteither on the state or federal level. I want to help cancer patients and survivors. The big problem is that it appears the way to break into this field people have to start as a volunteer. I do volunteer but I can't afford to do it full time. I am currently a certified G.E.D. teacher. I'm really wanting to find out if you have any ideas that I may not have thought of. Thanks a bunch for your input.
1 Comment
Alice McKenney
Feb 16, 2010
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Cherie,
Besides volunteering the other option for developing your skills in advocacy are public policy programs, usually at the graduate level. A great resource for not just job listings but volunteering and dialogue around these kinds of interests is
Alice McKenney
Foundation Coordinator
Cancer and Careers
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