I am really having a hard time with your site and trying to determine how to reply on the site to your answer to my quest about returning to work. Thank you for your thoughts and about rephrasing the "retirement" excuse to bridge the gaps in my resume. Your advice makes such a difference in attitude for both prospective employer and myself.
Thank you, Susan
Sarah Goodell
Jan 7, 2014
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Susan,
I saw you post come through on the other thread, I'm sorry that you had trouble posting it. I'm glad that you found our feedback helpful! Our legal expert will be in touch with her thoughts as well soon.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Sarah, Cancer and Careers Associate Manager of Programs
Susan C.
Jan 7, 2014
Thank you, sorry for the misspelled words, I guess I wasn't awake yet :)
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