Michele G. on June 6, 2011
Career Change,
Career Management
While in treatment for cancer my employer tried to discharge me from the company. After retaining council I was able to retain my job but now in recovery I want to make a change. This disease has been both financially and emotionally draining. How can I locate a reasonably priced career coach in my area so that I can make some changes and move forward?
Linda P.
Jun 12, 2011
Good luck to you in your journey. I am in a similar situation. Be strong!
Margot Larson
Jun 20, 2011
Career Coach Comment:
Call your local Human Resource organization or SHRM chapter.
Ask the President or the Association Manager if they know of a Career Coach who could help you.
Google to find a Career Coach in your geographical area.
Ask the attorney that you used whether he/she knows of a career coach who could help you.
Use LinkedIn to post your need and interest.
Tell the coach(es) you speak with of your situation and you may find someone who will give you a great price or maybe even offer services pro bono.
Look for a Career Coach who may be unemployed and perhaps you can barter with them.
Google coaches whose name you have to get their contact information and see whether they can help.
Many of the Outplacement firms have downsized. There are many coaches out there who could help you.
Google articles on Career Management and see whether the author could help you.
Hope this helps.
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