Sompet M. on September 26, 2016
Career Change,
Job Search
Hi I am 46 and have been battling stage 3 colon rectal cancer well this past august my job was eliminated and I been there 7 yrs as a cook for 180 kids a day ft and went back to work after my surgery rehab and a chemp pump now I cannot find a job and I am worried I have been looking every day except weekends. I don't know how to do anything else and this type of work is extremely physical and I am afraid I can't keep up eventually with the pace. I need help in what direction I need to go to and how to get there I am reaching out to you guys for help would be helpful and apperciated thank you in advance.
Sarah Goodell
Sep 28, 2016
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Sompet,
Thanks for reaching out and apologies for the delayed response, I'm sorry to hear that you've been having a hard time with your job search. I've sent your question over to our coaches who will be in touch soon. In the meantime, I've listed some resources that I think will be helpful for you.
- Looking for Work resources:
- Free Resume Review Service:
- Job Search Toolkit (can be ordered or downloaded for free):
- FlexJobs (great resource for looking for flexible work options, which could be a great choice for you since the physical work has gotten hard. It is membership based, but if you enter the code CANCER at check-out you will get 50% off):
I hope that this is helpful, our coaches will be in touch soon.
Sarah, Manager of Programs, Cancer and Careers
Bud Bilanich
Sep 28, 2016
Career Coach Comment:
I’m glad to hear that you seem to be doing OK physically after your treatment. I’m sorry to hear that you lost your job.
You say that cooking is a physically demanding job and you’re not sure that you can keep up after your treatment. This may be the time to look into another line of work. I suggest that you look into local non-profits that can help you retrain for a physically less demanding job.
Your state employment service probably has a list of such resources. Also, there are many community organizations that help people who need to learn new skills. I don’t know where you live, but if you do a simple google search for “job training services (your community)” you will probably find several organizations that help you train for a job that isn’t as physically taxing.
In the meantime, keep your head up and don’t isolate. The more people who know that you are looking for work and job training opportunities the better. You never know when a single conversation can yield big results.
Best of luck as you go forward.
Clarise V.
Jun 23, 2017
Hi! I'm Clarise from the Philippines, wherein finished my medical degree last 2013. I was in the middle of my Pediatric residency interviews when I was diagnosed with breast cancer last Dec 2015. I finished my chemo last May 2016. And I am currently at a loss on whether to pursue residency in the US again. There is that lingering fear that the stress of residency might not be good for me and that I may not keep up with it given my current circumstances. I just need to know the right questions to ask to help me set my course. A little help in assuring that this is normal and where I can get help in knowing what to do before this year's Match begins. Thank you.
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