Evelyn H. on February 5, 2017
Work/Life/Cancer Balance
I finished my last Chemotherapy treatment in oct after going through a full hysterectomy for Ovarian Cancer.Im just concerned that my line of work is what caused my cancer in the first place.Im a scenic artist in the film industry and work long hours with a number of hazardous materials and have been for 24 years. I was tested to see if It was genetic and it was not. I afraid to go back to work even though I love my job . I also have neuropathy really bad so I don't know how I'm going to manage the long hours of standing . I'm not sure as to what to do.
1 Comment
Maddy Meislin
Feb 6, 2017
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Evelyn,
Thank for your post. Congratulations on going through your last treatment! Before making any decision, I would discuss your work situation with your healthcare team. Make sure to tell them the specific concerns you have about your job, what you're exposed to, and the physical demands it requires. While it's amazing that you love your job, you do want to make sure you are being safe and taking your health into account.
If you do decide to return to back to work, you may want to look into reasonable accommodations under the ADA to address your concerns of standing for long periods of time. Here are some resources to get you started:
-Cancer and the ADA: https://www.cancerandcareers.org/en/at-work/legal-and-financial/cancer-and-the-ada-fmla
-Download or order our Living & Working with Cancer Workbook at http://www.cancerandcareers.org/publication_orders/new
- Job Accommodations Network: http://askjan.org/ has a terrific accommodation database and can help you with questions about workplace accommodations.
Here are additional tips for managing side effects: http://www.cancerandcareers.org/en/at-work/where-to-start/managing-treatment-side-effects.
You may also be interested in downloading our checklist on "Questions to Ask Yourself About Work & Cancer" to help you think about your best course of action, and what is realistic: http://www.cancerandcareers.org/en/resource/charts-and-checklists
If you decide that changing careers is a more suitable option for you, please feel free to reach back out. We have a number of resources related to changing careers and job search after cancer.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
Best regards,
Maddy Meislin
Associate Manager of Programs
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