Jonathan W. on June 1, 2016
Career Change
I am 34 years Cancer free, and thankful. In the 70's they gave us way to much medication and radiation compared to current usage. Many of the drugs were very aggressive, basically they killed us and brought us back to life. I am forever grateful to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for being the leader in childhood leukemia research and treatment. Now approaching age 46, my body is giving out (not up just out). I finally got my eyes fixed that the steroids had grown cataracts in. My body aches, I try to stay away from using pain meds, and use Ibuprofin (daily which is probably too much). I am forgetting things more and more (remember I am only 45 right now). I am just having trouble doing what I have been able to do for the last 25 years, which is run restaurants. I have a degree and certificates, and I need a less stressful job (at least for my body). What can I do? I am not getting job offers from non-restaurant companies.
Sarah Goodell
Jun 1, 2016
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for writing to us! I'm sorry to hear that you're having a hard time right now. I've sent your question over to our coaches who will get back to you shortly.
In the meantime, here are a few resources that I recommend checking out if you haven't already:
- Flexjobs (great resource for looking for flexible work options, it's subscription based but you will receive a 50% discount if you enter the code CANCER when you check out):
- Resume Review Service (you can receive free feedback from one of our coaches on your resume):
- Exploring Your Options:
- Job Search Tools:
I hope that this is helpful, our coaches will be in touch soon.
Sarah, Manager of Programs, Cancer and Careers
Jonathan W.
Jun 1, 2016
Thanks Sarah I look forward to any help and appreciate the tips!
Julie Jansen
Jun 2, 2016
Career Coach Comment:
Hi Jonathan,
I am happy you are cancer free and sorry that the treatment has taken such a toll on your body.
You have developed many skills from running restaurants including managing people, purchasing, quality control, safety, sanitation, scheduling, food prep, menu design, customer service, budgeting, forecasting, etc. I recommend that you think about the ones that you enjoy most and can still do and then identify industries that have these types of jobs. You also need to think about your personality preferences, your boundaries and needs regarding income, commuting and lifestyle. This self-assessment process is important for you to go through in order to identify your next career.
I don't usually do this (and don't think that Cancer and Careers will mind), my book I Don't Know What I Want, But I Know It's Not This is a great guide for you to use to take various assessments and help you to identify some new job/career options. The third edition just came out in March.
Once you identify some possible new paths, you will need to revise your resume to reflect what it is. Please know that people change careers all the time. It may be that you just move to working for a restaurant supplier in more of an office job or that you decide to do something more dramatically different. Either way, having a focus and then networking with people in the new industry will be key to your success in making this change.
Good luck!
Jonathan W.
Jun 4, 2016
Thank you Julie! My wife is helping me update my resume (which has not be reworked for many years).
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