Caryn L. on January 19, 2016
Career Change,
Work/Life/Cancer Balance
I have inflammatory breast cancer and have had chemo, double mastectomy with 28 lymph nodes removed on the right (I'm right handed) and now 1/2 way through radiation. I live in California. I'm on short term full disability and have been doing office management for the past 25 years. I don't have long term disability option through work (small Silicon Valley start-up).
I have nerve damage from the elbow to the under arm on my right side. I can only type or use that arm for most tasks for about 20 minutes before it becomes painful. My question is what do I do if I can't go back to work as an office manager? How do I get retrained in another career (I'm 55) The doctors tell me the nerve damage may or may not be permanent, everyone is different. I'm just trying to find out my options if it turns out I can't really use my right arm in the future for a work related task.
Jackie T.
Jan 20, 2016
I can empathize. OnE of the chemicals in my chemo treatment has left me with neuropathy in both hands and feet. Used to type 75-80 wpm, but no more. My doctors have told me I had an unusually strong reaction...Might go away, might not. I'm also 55 and was suddenly sacked from my job two weeks before my treatments were done. I, too am trying to figure out "what now?" After 16 years of working, I'm not...Be blessed in your recovery.
Caryn L.
Jan 20, 2016
Hi Jackie,
Yes you can empathize! I did have that from chemo, but I'm lucky in the feeling did come back in my fingers. Can I ask what you are doing about work situation?
Jackie T.
Jan 20, 2016
I must confess, I'm preparing to do the Vocation Rehab process. I've learned from this last go-round that "left brained" jobs are not where I need to be now. I'm a creative type that never has done deadlines, Excel and being micromanaged too well. Took me to this life stage to realize that. Now, I need help evaluating my various skills and seeing where to go next. If my neuropathy doesn't get better, my choices are limited...I hope VR can help.
(Just as an aside, my mother had a partial mastectomy on the right side, and always had pain and weakness issues on that side afterwards.)
Take care.
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