I lost my wife to Breast Cancer and have 3 young daughters who must now live with the fear of also having this disease. I want a new career raising money for cancer research. Can you give me advice on how to proceed?
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Lynn M. on November 14, 2012
I lost my wife to Breast Cancer and have 3 young daughters who must now live with the fear of also having this disease. I want a new career raising money for cancer research. Can you give me advice on how to proceed?
Margot Larson
Nov 14, 2012
Career Coach Comment:
Hi Lynn-
Wow! You’ve been through a lot and have a lot on your plate. I am impressed with your spirit and dedication.
I can understand your fears for your daughters. Knowing the family history will help them to be pro-active in seeking screening earlier than might generally be the case for their age. As a cancer patient, I have become very aware at the rapid advances in screening and care for patients over the past few years. Hopefully, this will be in the best interest of those young daughters.
As for your career, it would be helpful to know a little about your past work experience, skills and career track to give us some idea of how to transition some of those skills to a new career. For instance, do you have any experience with sales? Promotion? Event planning or Organizing? Do you have a broad network? Are you creative? Do you have any healthcare work experience? Knowing this would help generate ideas and point you in the right direction.
Another consideration is to focus on utilizing your current talents in a position where you can earn good money along with having some flexibility. That flexibility could be put to good use by volunteering and supporting fundraising activities. This would gain valuable experience for your resume and future marketability. While volunteering, you could also include your daughters in helping with this cause which could provide you with more quality time with them rather than having a volunteer activity compete with time with them.
Looking forward to hearing from you so that we can guide you more effectively.
Lynn M.
Nov 14, 2012
Thanks for getting back to me. I have experience in sales, marketing, promotions and team building. I have been an MC and an Inspirational Speaker. I played college and professional football and was in a Fraternity so my network is extensive. A father and a husband could never be more passionate about raising money for a Breast Cancer cure. Also, I need a job, badly, but I don't just want a job...i want a life's passion. Can you help me?
Margot Larson
Nov 15, 2012
Career Coach Comment:
Lynn –
With this good background you should be able to produce an awesome
resume. That’s step one. Go to Looking for Work and select Writing your best Resume.
Keep in mind that the most important elements of your resume are: The
Summary and the Achievements. Hiring
managers consider past achievements as a predictor of future achievements.
Step 2 – Do your research. Look at
position titles and roles on posting boards and websites. Make a list of those that appeal to you.
Identify organizations that would be highly desirable. Consider private and community foundations,
cancer centers. National cancer organizations,
Advocacy groups and non- profit organizations.
Step 3 – Network, network, network.
Meet people, tell them about your desired job. Get introductions. Interview individuals who have a job similar
to what you are seeking.
While in search for a job, you may need to earn some money. Though you could land a job quickly, you
should also be prepared for months of search.
So look for PT and Per Diem work.
Look to Event Coordinators, Chambers of Commerce, Convention Bureaus,
Professional Associations and Organizations, Healthcare and non-profit
organizations who may need help with an event or fundraising.
You should also be part of Speaker organizations and Speaker Bureaus. Don’t overlook non-profit and fundraising
consulting firms. Check the non-profit
posting boards for both full time and part time opportunities. Once you have identified potential
opportunities try to network yourself into an interview by getting a referral
or introduction.
Don’t be afraid to be creative in your approach while still maintaining a
high level of professionalism.
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