Marcella P. on April 6, 2011
Job Search
In 2008 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and needed to be out of work for almost 1 year because I had to have multiple surgeries and treatments. 3 days before returning to work I was "laid off due to the economy" after 10 years of service of course I had no one to help me fight corporate lawyers. Here it is almost 3 years after diagnosis I still can not find a job. Are there any resources to help me with education or to find a job?
1 Comment
Rosalind Joffe
Apr 8, 2011
Career Coach Comment:
Dear Marcella, How horrible to lose your job just when you're ready to get back into the workforce. Of course, the timing didn't help and many companies were cutting staff. But none of this was your fault even if you've had to live with the burden. From the dates you've given, it sounds like you've been looking for a job for quite a while. I can't tell from what you've written what you did in your last job or what your work history was. So I can't help you with specifics. But since you're drawing a blank and you're considering further training or education, I'd suggest you go invest in the services of a career counselor who understands what you've experienced and can help you sort out the best options. The first place to start is what do you want to do, how well does this suit you now and what are the job prospects in this area? I hope this is helpful. Good luck to you. Warmly, Rosalind
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