I need a job. never held onebefore. parents cant afford medical bills.
ive applied. No One Hires.
what do i do??
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Maria R. on January 2, 2012
Job Search, Work/Life/Cancer Balance
I need a job. never held onebefore. parents cant afford medical bills.
ive applied. No One Hires.
what do i do??
1 Comment
Margot Larson
Jan 3, 2012
Career Coach Comment:
Maria –
These are good questions and we can probably guide you. However, we need a little more information.
You mention you have never had a job, does that mean you are still in school? If not, what is your level of education and are there any areas of specialty?
Have you prepared a resume? If yes, you should have someone review it. Take a look at the samples and the guidelines on our website for creating a powerful resume.
Conducting a job search requires good preparation and strategy. You need to know your interests and skills and understand where best to apply them in the job market, particularly in these times when there is a lot of competition. You must learn to market yourself effectively.
All the resources on our website are available to you and they are similar to what you would get if you were working with an Out placement firm or Career Coach.
In addition to these tools, I would encourage you to attend a networking group in your area for people who are looking for work. Also consider whether you know anyone in your family, friends, neighbors who works in human resources. They may be available to guide you through these steps.
The best way to find a job is to know what your skills are, spread the word around about your interest in a position, read and learn about new businesses and companies about to open up or expand up. This is much more effective than filling out applications at businesses without knowing someone or whether they are in a hiring mode.
Looking forward to learning more about your situation so we can help you.
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