Mubbeena A. on April 20, 2020
Career Change
My name is Meena. Thankfullly, I have completed my treatment for cancer in February 2020. I returned to work last September. I took a month off for surgery (at the end of October) and returned to work in December 2019 (working part time in January as I underwent radiation).
Since this time, I have returned to work. I found I have been making mistakes, and that my performance has gone down due to the team's making me aware. At first this was fatigue, but now, I’m finding I’m no longer interested in my work. I was in a dark place and then Co-vid 19 occurred. I’m now working from home and have found that helped because I was to a point where I cried waking up in the morning dreading to go to work. Due to events that had taken place at work in all this, I know I want to move on.
I know I want something that I am able to handle in terms of not feeling mental pressure. I don’t have a specific one thing that I would like to do, and I know that doesn’t sound great, but that’s how I feel. I need something to keep thing’s afloat if you will. Would you be able to make some suggestions?
I tried flexjobs for several months, but didn’t get any real results from it.
Nicole Franklin, MPH
Apr 24, 2020
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Meena,
Thanks for writing to us and congratulations on being done with treatment! I’m sorry to hear you’ve experienced some challenges at work since your diagnosis, but it’s great that you’re actively trying to find a position that is better aligned with your current needs and that will make you feel more fulfilled.
Before we offer suggestions about possible next steps, a little more detail would help us make sure we’re offering the best information possible. Would you mind responding to the following questions?
In the meantime, I would recommend reviewing the following resources:
Resume Review Service - program where a professional coach will review your resume and provide feedback to help you refine it towards your current work goals)
Recording of Job Search Webinar -
Job Search Toolkit: advice on improving resumes, cover letters; interview and networking tips and other useful tools to help you during a job search
I’d also highly recommend that you register for our upcoming ‘Networking During Social Distancing’ webinar on 4/28 and our ‘Job Search Strategy During COVID-19’ webinar on 5/12. For more info & to register:
Look forward to hearing back from you!
Kind regards,
Nicole Franklin, MPH
Senior Manager of Programs
Cancer and Careers
Rebecca R.
Jun 17, 2020
So glad I saw this post...I too am going thru the same thing. I was a sales director and found I was making mistakes, not having the energy, focus and poor cognitive function. Like the neurons just weren't firing fast enough. Like a 3 sec delay (but longer). I find I can't go back to the same work level. Stepping down a rung or 2, and yet I still can't find a job. I tried to switch industries but during these times companies don't want to take a chance on someone who is trying to transition into a new industry. I'm approaching desperately needing to find ANY job to keep my home & family. I was the primary breadwinner in my household. Seeing our savings dwindling. I need to find a job. I read the suggestions and will take advantage of the resources available. Feels good to get that off my chest. I know I will need help finding my passion while the need of work is looming over my head.
Mubbeena A.
Jul 3, 2020
Hi Rebecca. You’re not alone. It’s been 5 months since I finished radiation. For me, due to COVID-19, I am now working from home. It’s been a blessing. I am still struggling, but thankfully overall, things have gotten better. I’m still looking to see what it is I would like to do. In the mean time, I’m learning about trading and looking at other options for things online like teaching English, and a site called I know the market is extremely competitive with all that is going on. I hope this helps 🙂.
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