Le Andra B. on January 25, 2022
Career Change
Hi there! I am working with accommodations at my current job, and I have excellent health insurance. I have applied to a different job with a different company (a dream job of mine) and have gone through two interviews. I am concerned about switching insurance companies and there is a lag-time between starting the new job and medical insurance coverage - I am currently undergoing chemotherapy infusion treatments. How can I make the move without having a lapse in my care and treatment?
1 Comment
Nicole Jarvis, LMSW
Jan 31, 2022
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Le Andra,
Congratulations on this new opportunity! Having progressed forward with two interviews is so encouraging!
It's easy to forget that there's so much more to job searching than just finding a position you're interested in, especially when dealing with active treatment and needing to give significant consideration to the benefit options. Have you explored if there are any COBRA options from your company or taken a look at what options there might be on the marketplace that could meet your insurance needs? We don't have too many specifics on health insurance as we really provide basic information around that topic, but I'd recommend you take a look at Triage Cancer's website as they offer more insight into those options, including the marketplace and gap coverage. You can find their insurance information here: https://triagecancer.org/cancer-health-insurance-finances-cost
I hope that is helpful! We're crossing our fingers for you on this new *dream job*! Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with, or point you in the direction of resources for.
Warm regards,
Nicole Jarvis, LMSW
Assistant Director of Programs
Cancer and Careers
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