I am a breast cancer survivor. I would love to do something in the Navigation or Survivorship services, but have no formal training in either field. What would you suggest?
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Katrina C. on July 22, 2013
I am a breast cancer survivor. I would love to do something in the Navigation or Survivorship services, but have no formal training in either field. What would you suggest?
Margot Larson
Jul 22, 2013
Career Coach Comment:
You may not have formal training, but you do have hands-on experience. The first question I would ask is what is your career background? Do you have administrative skills or customer relations skills that could provide an entry into those environments?
Why don’t you check the online career boards at Cancer Centers and Hospitals close by. See what positions are available and what those responsibilities are.
Simultaneously, have conversations with the people you have met in those positions. Buy them a cup of coffee and ask for their advice. Learn what their position entails, and what other position might be available in their department where you could also learn more and make a contribution. You might also consider volunteering within those departments to get an inside view.
Once you have an idea of the positions that might be a fit, update your resume to focus on those skills and competencies that would make you a good candidate for the job. If you are up to it, then you should take some courses or training in areas that would make you more marketable for the next position that you would want.
Katrina C.
Jul 22, 2013
Margo, thank you this is great advice. My background is finance, but yes I have a high level of admin and customer relations.
Katrina C.
Jul 22, 2013
Margo, thank you for the comments. I have been in financial services 14 yrs, with a high level of admin and customer relations.
Jd R.
Aug 14, 2013
This is exactly what I want to get into, and it makes me have the desire to seek out a degree in Social Work from a local university. The whole idea seems overwhelming, though. I have a feeling that something will lead me down the right path in due time.
Margot Larson
Aug 15, 2013
Career Coach Comment:
Jd R
You may also want to explore getting a position in the environment/organization you desire and then work on a degree part time while employed. One of the advantages might be that they will contribute towards the cost of your getting your degree. You will also gain hands on insight that will help you with your studies.
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