Hi, myself is a student from India who wants to pursue a phD in US universities and planning for it. I'm having a CML right now and have to take Imatinib.(right now I,m under GPAP scheme) I asked my doctors how long I need to have it but they were equivocal saying "may be for rest of your life." It takes a lot of effort to come to a normal life after having cancer and its even harder to give your dreams a chance to be pursued. I shared my "abroad phD applications" plans with my doctor and he is ready to give "fit for the job" certificate. But right now I'm pretty clueless about what should I do about the finances since that medicine comes very expensive in US (according to my google search!!!) Apart from that if I should discuss with the universities where I'm applying. I know its little too long to be 'question' and I'm sorry for that; since I don't want to give up on my dreams I had to make it. I will be grateful if you can help me out.
thank you.
Sarah Goodell
Oct 6, 2015
Cancer and Careers Staff Comment:
Hi Sourav,
Thanks for writing to us and congratulations on starting to explore your dreams of pursuing a PhD! Unfortunately a lot of these medications are very expensive in the US, but there are organizations here to help survivors with these costs. I've listed some of these resources below that I think will be helpful.
Once you determine which universities you are going to apply to, I would recommend taking a look at the health insurance options that they offer students. There may be other options for health insurance or ways to continue to get your medications from your doctors in India, but I really am not sure what these would be as our work is pretty US focused. I would encourage you to talk to your healthcare team to see if they know of anyone who has done this before or any other ideas they may have that you could explore.
Here are some financial resources that we often refer people to:
- Financial Assistance for Those in Need: http://www.cancerandcareers.org/en/at-work/Legal-and-Financial/Financial-Assistance-for-Those-in-Need
- Financial Resources: http://www.cancerandcareers.org/resources/categories/financial
- NeedyMeds: http://www.needymeds.org/
- Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition: http://www.cancerfac.org/
- Patient Access Network foundation: https://www.panfoundation.org/
- Partnership for Prescription Assistance: https://www.pparx.org/
I hope that this is helpful, please let us know if you have additional questions!
Sarah, Manager of Programs, Cancer and Careers
Sourav B.
Oct 10, 2015
Thank you so much Sarah; I would ask the universities first then and will take my decission accordingly.
thanks again. :)
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