For me, it was easy to be open about my cancer diagnosis with co-workers. The news spread like a brush fire around the office until my boss caught wind of it. Greg, my functional leader, was great. He set up a meeting with HR so that I knew what to do when it was time to go on medical leave for surgery. I was told not to worry about my job, and that I would be allowed all the time I needed to recover. At the time I was in a cubicle with no privacy, and if you have ever had a serious illness…You know that when a doctor calls, you take it!
I remember getting a call from my surgeon telling me that my
chemotherapy regimens were not working and he had me scheduled for a
mastectomy in two days. I wasn’t mentally prepared for that one. I fled
into a neighboring empty office and sobbed until I was hiccupping.
Springing a mastectomy on someone is NOT cool! Some lobbying was done on
my behalf by some amazing women. After that, I was given an office for
privacy and a couch was brought in for when my treatments left me
fatigued. My workload was reduced so that I wouldn’t be under too much
pressure. I was also given a company laptop so that when I was feeling
extra horrible from treatments I could just go home to work. All of
which made my life so much easier. It was an unexpected kindness that I
have really appreciated. Peter, my VP creative executive (whom our whole
division reports to) was constantly checking in on me. His wife had her
own battle with cancer and her treatments were similar to mine. He had a
special depth of understanding for what I was going through. I have
learned that cancer touches a lot of lives.
Tracey works for Walt Disney Imagineering and is a 1-year angiosarcoma survivor. This is the second of her four guest blogs for Cancer and Careers.
Lyda B.
Jan 27, 2020
Helen fing an, sich die Filmtitel an den Kabinentüren anzusehen und suchte sich einen aus. Wir gingen hinein und ich legte ein paar Token ein und wir blätterten durch die Filme dreckigerjonas. Helen mochte eines von einem Mädchen auf Händen und Knien, das ihre Fotze von hinten hämmerte. Sie knöpfte meine Hose auf, öffnete meine Fliege und zog meinen steifen Schwanz heraus und fing an, ihn zu streicheln. Ich knöpfte ihre Bluse auf und griff in ihren BH und fing an, mit einer Brustwarze zu spielen Wir sahen zu, wie das Mädchen auf dem Bildschirm ein paar Minuten lang gefickt wurde und dann ging Helen in die Hocke und fing an, meinen Schwanz zu lutschen.