Since 2007, Cancer and Careers has been collecting stories from patients and survivors in our Collective Diary. This is a space where you can see snapshots of the cancer experience gathered from working people with cancer at all phases of their treatment and recovery.
The diary entries allow survivors to talk candidly about their outlook, their work experience and advice they would give others. You can share as much information as you like, and the submissions are incredibly diverse. Submissions are sorted by the amount of time that had passed between diagnosis when the entry was written. This allows viewers to see how others navigated work and cancer at all different stages of their cancer experiences. You can read posts from others who were once at the stage that you are now in, and gather insight from their words.
We hope that you find this space helpful and invite you to share your own story. Your last name will not be published with your post, but we always want to remind you that what you say and post online becomes public information.
To read the Collective Diary entries and submit your own, visit the diary here.