Our 6th annual National Conference on Work & Cancer is less than two weeks away and we are very excited about this year’s topics and speakers. You may have read last week’s blog post, about one of the new sessions being offered on June 17th, titled Body Confidence, Self-Confidence in the Workplace. This week we’d like to highlight another new topic that will be presented at our signature event — Work & Cancer: Strategies for Eating Well on the Job.
Maintaining a balanced diet, complete with the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, is vitally important for someone with cancer. But for those who work during treatment and/or recovery, it can sometimes be hard to do — especially if your job site doesn’t lend itself to healthful options or you’re on the road a lot. Our speakers, Suzanne Gerdes, MS, RD, CDN, and Holly Mills, MS, RD, CSO, CDN, both dietitians/nutritionists at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, will cover meal planning and preparation, energy foods to keep you going at work, navigating the menu at a staff lunch and tips for managing weight.
For additional information on nutrition, read “Nutrition: Practical Tips to Cope with Treatment Side Effects.”
For information on other sessions being offered, visit the session descriptions page.
Sponsors of the 2016 National Conference on Work & Cancer
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors
For additional information on this year’s sponsors, click here.