The 2nd annual National Conference on Work & Cancer was June 22nd, and it was quite the exciting day! The day long event included sessions on job search, working during treatment and legal issues (just to name a few) and had a record number of attendees. We've gotten the pictures back from the event and wanted to share with everyone! Click the image below, or visit our Facebook page here to see more.
Also one last thank you to our event sponsors and community partners - we couldn't have done this without your continued support!
Gold Sponsors:

Jurline R.
Jul 27, 2012
As a Social Worker, I have attended countless seminars, conferences, presentations you name it, however this conference (one day) provided me a wealth of information. It was the best conference I have ever attended, ten for venue, ten for presentations(short and to the point) refreshments, ten plus, friendly staff, ten plus. By the way, the weather was hot!!! We did not complain, we were hanging onto every word! I am so grateful to have been selected to attend(sponsored). The best thing of all, I met a wonderful lady from Chicago and on August 12, she is flying to Long Beach to spend a week in Southern California. You helped to encourage such types of interaction by keeping the conference intimate, creating an atmosphere of trust. She calls me her big sister! Thanks so much!