Wouldn’t it be great if when you pulled the cancer card it came pre-loaded with a truckload of guaranteed favors in the workplace? If ever you deserved a favor, it’s now, right? Still it never hurts to maximize your chances of getting a “yes.” In this Harvard Business Review blog post, Asking for Favors, Jodi Glickman provides these three keys to asking for a favor in a way that shows that you’re thankful and gets the help you need:
1. Set the Stage
2. Give a Reason
3. Provide an Escape Clause
You can find all details and even scripts for each here: http://blogs.hbr.org/glickman/2011/01/asking-for-a-favor-the.html?cm_mmc=email-_-newsletter-_-management_tip-_-tip021111&referral=00203&utm_source=newsletter_management_tip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tip021111