1. Complaint/grievance must be submitted to CAC in writing within two weeks of the occurrence, either via email to cancerandcareers@cew.org or via USPS to address below:
Cancer and Careers
Attn: Nicole Jarvis, LMSW
250 West 57th Street, Suite 918
New York, NY 10107
2. Within two weeks of receipt, letter is reviewed by committee consisting of:
a) Executive Director (Rebecca Nellis, MPP)
b) Continuing Education Director/Social Work Consultant (Rachel Becker, LMSW)
c) Social Work Consultant (Nicole Jarvis, LMSW)
And, if appropriate:
(1) Other Cancer and Careers employees, based on professional experience, role within the organization, etc.
(2) Third-party facility and/or webinar technology providers.
3. Complaint/grievance is discussed by committee.
4. Participant who filed grievance is contacted by one or more members of committee (including Continuing Education Director/Social Work Consultant) and invited to engage in further discussion and/or provide additional support of allegations
5. Democratic decision is made regarding how to address/resolve issue.
6. Information is shared internally and used to improve future course.
7. CAC provides participant with written summary of grievance resolution.