CEW Foundation (aka Cancer and Careers) maintains responsibility for programs. Healthcare professionals of all disciplines should contact their regulatory board(s) to determine course approval for their specific license(s) and/or certification(s). Please note that regulatory boards may not accept duplicate contact hours (i.e., CEs awarded for webinar sessions with similar titles offered in this or prior calendar years) as valid for license and/or certification renewal.
For additional information regarding specific webinar accreditation, please scroll down. Additionally, please read through the Code of Conduct.
If you plan on requesting continuing education credits for a webinar series, you MUST complete all of the following steps:
- Register for each live webinar presentation for which you plan on requesting a CE.
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with phone and web log-in information.
- You must attend the live presentation of the webinar Please note that participants who "listen-in" on another participant's line will not be eligible for credit.
- An email with links to a post-session test and an evaluation form will be sent within 48 hours of the webinar. If you do not receive this email with 2 business days of the webinar, please email cancerandcareers@cew.org
- Both the post-session test and evaluation form must be completed and submitted within two weeks of the date that the webinar was held. For example, if a webinar is held January 1, these two documents will be due January 15th. The date that these documents are due will be stated during the webinar, and again in the follow-up email that is sent to you.
- You must pass the post-session test with a score of 80% or higher. You will see your score when you submit your post-test. Please press done, regardless of your score. You will be taken to a confirmation page where you will have the opportunity to re-take the test up to two (2) additional times to obtain a score of 80% or higher. Any submissions beyond the first three will not be considered.
- You will be notified via email of your status in qualifying for a CE no later than 30 days after the date of the webinar. For example, for a webinar held January 1, notifications will be sent out no later than February 1.
- Material presented at Cancer and Careers’ Balancing Work & Cancer Webinar Series is copyrighted so the use of AI assistants and/or transcribing/recording devices of any kind by attendees is not allowed. Those found to be using AI or other recording/transcription software during CAC programming will be removed from the event. They may be permitted to return without AI/recording/transcription software. Cancer and Careers offers live, real-time closed captioning for those who need it, and captioned recordings of all Balancing Work & Cancer Webinars are archived on our website following each session. To request an additional reasonable accommodation, please send an email to cancerandcareers@cew.org at least 24 hours before the live session.
- You must abide by CAC's Code of Conduct.
One continuing education credit per webinar session will be provided to eligible oncology nurses and social workers upon approval from the agencies listed below.
Balancing Work & Cancer Webinar Series:
For All Sessions:
- Cancer and Careers is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. This program is valid for 1 PDC per session for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org.
- Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) Foundation (Cancer and Careers) SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0072. This program is approved for 1 contact hour per session.
- An application to provide CEs for social workers in other states will be submitted in the weeks leading up to each event.
- Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #16673, for 1 contact hour per session.
- Cancer and Careers is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation
- If you have any further questions about earning continuing education credits, please email cancerandcareers@cew.org.
- For information on our grievance policy please click
HR Professionals
Social Workers**
Attendees who meet attendance standards may also request a general certificate of attendance (No CE credit.)